Monday 22 August 2016


School of digital marketing

Google officially declared about Google EMD update. This was working very well for a lot of website owners who had their targeted keyword in their domain. For a long time, it was possible to rank in the TOP 5 with literally no page rank, backlinks, compared to non EMDs.
Its simple, Exact Match Domains are, in general, domain names that exactly match the keyword a website wants to compete for. For example, (will take my website’s ) if a website wants to rank for the term [seo training institutes in pune], an exact match domain would be []. Actually for many years, people were taking a lot of benefit of it. But now google has come up very strongly on it and will not give the same weight-age it as it used to give it earlier.
And the most importat thing is that Google Knew this because it was filed way back somewhere around September 2003. Matt Cutts infact had given a hint how they were going to change the EMD game on March 2011.
Google will keep on attacking now…
Article by: Rohit Shelwante

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