Wednesday 31 August 2016

Things you can do to improve your email delivery

School of digital marketing

Here are some Tips & Tricks to Stay Out of the Junk folder
Things you can do to improve your email delivery:
Don’t use false or misleading header information
Don’t use deceptive subject lines
Tell recipients where you’re located
Use Permission Marketing Techniques
Tell recipients how to opt-out of receiving future email from you
Identify the message as an ad
Use Spam Checkers before Sending Your Emails
Honor opt-out requests promptly
Monitor what others are doing on your behalf
Avoid Spam Trigger Words and Phishing Phrases
Avoid Large Attachments and Certain Attachment
Include a Text Version of Your Email if You Are Sending
Maintain a Good Text to Image Ratio
Hope the above article would help you to stay out of the Junk Folder

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