Sunday 7 August 2016

Adwords Account Limits you can use

School of digital marketing

Hey all,  I was just going through this information and found it very useful for people who run Search Engine Marketing (SEM)  Campaigns in Digital marketing, so thought of sharing this information with you all. Below are the details given. I have taken this data from Adwords Website.

AdWords account limits

These are the limits for an AdWords account:
  • 10,000 campaigns (includes active and paused campaigns)
  • 20,000 ad groups per campaign
  • 10,000 keywords per ad group
  • 300 display ads per ad group (includes image ads)
  • 4 million active or paused ads per account
  • 5 million keywords per account
  • 10,000 location targets (targeted and excluded) per campaign, including up to 500 proximity targets per campaign*
  • 100,000 active ad extensions per account
  • 1.3 million references to ad extensions per account**
Article Source : Google Adwords

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