Friday 1 July 2016

Get to know benefits of LInkedin connections

School of Digital marketing
Your Published Content Gets More Popular
Once you become one of the LinkedIn elite, your published content skyrockets in popularity.
How does this come about? The LinkedIn blogging platform notifies users when a connection has published a post. This means that with more connections in your network in Digital marketing, more users will be alerted when you publish a new piece of content. The result is a truckload of engagement with your published content – a marketer’s dream come true!
With this increased engagement also comes the increased likelihood of being featured in LinkedIn Pulse! Once you’re featured there, you’re virtually guaranteed even more engagement.

 Boost in Connections on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.
When people engage with your content on LinkedIn, there is also a decent chance they’ll end up sharing your content on the other big social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.  I find that when I have a very successful, high-engagement LinkedIn post, I’ll also see a big boost in my Twitter and Google+ followers.
 Top Position in Most Viewed Connections
Having more LinkedIn connections increases your chances of showing up as one of a user’s “most viewed connections.”
While this may seem trite to some, appearing in a user’s “most viewed connections” can be pretty handy.

 Ridiculous Number of Profile Views
Chances are that when you add a new user to your connections, they’ll end up checking out your profile. Once you start adding and accepting more LinkedIn connections, you’ll see your profile views dramatically increase. This would come in especially handy if you were looking for a job.

 More Endorsements Than an Eagle Scout
Another great advantage of LinkedIn connection-bingeing is the huge increase in endorsements. Endorsements are like LinkedIn badges of honor, as coworkers and friends +1/endorse you for certain skills. When you’re lacking in connections, you’ve got less people in your network to endorse you.
Getting a few 99+ endorsement streaks looks fantastic on a LinkedIn profile, but it’s nearly impossible to get that many endorsements without a large connection base.

 More People Want to Be Your Friend
Once you begin your LinkedIn connection spree, you’ll find that as you add more connections, you’ll receive more connection requests from other users as well. You’re LinkedIn Inbox will be full in no time. After implementing my new LinkedIn connection strategy, I find myself receiving 100-300 connection requests each week!

Legendary LinkedIn Post Engagement (More Likes, Comments, & Shares)
With over 10,000 connections, my status updates receive legendary LinkedIn post engagement. Previously my average status update might receive a few likes, but nothing too exciting.
Once your posts receive some decent engagement, LinkedIn will begin giving timeline preference to your posts, resulting in even more engagement! It’s a glorious cycle of LinkedIn love.
 More LinkedIn Followers
After engaging with one of my published content pieces, many LinkedIn users decide to follow me. Followers are LinkedIn users who subscribe to my content updates, but aren’t official LinkedIn connections. This is just one more tool that lets users subscribe to your content updates and posts, which is great for content promotion. The more of them, the merrier!
  Increased Website Traffic
High post engagement usually results in more website traffic. I’ve increased traffic to our website from LinkedIn over the span of just a few weeks, and it’s all thanks to LinkedIn connection bingeing!

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