Wednesday 20 July 2016

2 important free email marketing tools

School of Digital marketing

Choosing the Right Email Service Provider,There are countless email MARKETING in Digital marketing services out there to choose from and plenty of reviews on each. They all have their own benefits and drawbacks depending on your specific needs. ExactTarget, Vertical Response, Marketo, and Silverpop (just to name a few) are all incredibly powerful paid platforms. They come with MARKETING automation tools, customizable email templates, list building features, and more to help you get the most out of your email program, and even marry it with other aspects of your overall marketing strategy.
But that’s a decision you need to come to on your own through trials and discovery calls. If you’re not ready to commit, here are some free email MARKETING SOFTWARE programs and solutions for some of the problems you may still face while using your ESP (and some problems you didn’t even know you had).
If social media is the fun and unpredictable uncle of the MARKETING family, then email is an old, reliable grandparent. Sure, it might not be as cool, but it has been proven effective and addresses a very important need.
No matter what hot, new MARKETING trend surfaces, email continues to be one of the most targeted and valuable channels if you know how to use it. But a lot of email marketers sort of stumble into the field, which makes it crucial to know where to find all the help you need for success.

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